5th Oxford Musculoskeletal Oncology
Review Course 2016

Thu 28th - Fri 29th April 2016

St Anne's College, Oxford, UK
Registration is now closed

Kindly supported by


We are delighted to invite you to our upcoming 5th Oxford Musculoskeletal Oncology Review Course taking place between Thursday 28th - Friday 29th April 2016. Please note that registration for this event has now closed.


The course will be taking place at the prestigious St Anne's College and will feature lectures from an esteemed international faculty as well as the opportunity for hands on group work.


Accommodation Venue: Jurys Inn, Oxford, Godstow Road, OX2 8AL.
Bookings include accommodation (unless you have booked with a discount code) and we will arrange your room for you. Parking is available at the hotel. If you require further accommodation, please liaise with the hotel via the link above.

About The Course

Oxford is delighted to once again host this international bone and soft tissue meeting. The meeting covers all aspects of benign and malignant bone and soft tissue sarcomas as well as aspects of metastatic disease.


The course is aimed at those preparing for the FRCS Trauma & Orthopaedics examination, junior consultants who may not have much experience of such tumours and lead clinicians in district general hospitals who may have to refer this type of pathology.


Day 1 (Thu 28th April 2016) concentrates on primary and malignant bone and soft tissue tumours which is continued into the morning of Day 2.


Day 2 (Fri 29th April 2016) will focus on current concepts of the treatment of metastatic disease. The meeting will explore some of the recent advances in oncological treatment of metastatic disease which means there is an ever increasin need for surgical intervention. Day 2 will also include Viva's in small groups during the afternoon.


Course Programme

Day 1: April 28th 2016

Registration   10:00

Convenors Welcome M Gibbons & D Whitwell

General Concepts

D Whitwell 10:30

T Cosker 10:50
Pathology of Bone Tumors

M Gibbons

The Radiology of Sarcomas

C McCarthy 11:30
Unknown Cases 1 Panel

Bone Forming Tumours D Letson

Lunch / Exhibits

Cartilage Forming Tumours

D Whitwell 14:15
Ewings & Miscellaneous Tumours P Ruggiero

Sarcoma Bone Oncology D Reed

Break  / Exhibits

Soft Tissue Sarcoma F Hornicek

Surgical Procedures and Limb Salvage

R Windhager 17:00
Unknown Cases 2

Panel 17:15
Keynote: My Experience of Pelvic Surgery

P Ruggiero

Reception and Dinner

Day 2: April 29th 2016

Medical Treatment of Sarcoma B Hassan 08:30

Metastatic Symposium:
Intro with some cases

D Whitwell 09:30
Management of metastatic bone disease
in the periphery with BOOS guidance

R Pollock 09:45
Break  / Exhibits

Lesions around the Hip D Whitwell

Lesions around the Shoulder and Elbow T Cosker

Lesions around the Knee R Pollock

Case discussion - metastatic disease Panel


Vivas and Case Discussions with Faculty Panel 14:00

Close   17:00

Meeting Faculty


    Mr. D. Whitwell, UK

Prof. M. Gibbons, UK

    Mr. T. Cosker, UK


    R Pollock, UK
P Ruggiero, Italy

    D Letson, USA

F Hornicek, USA  
    C McCarthy, UK

Dr D Reed  
    Prof. Windhager, Austria

Prof. B. Hassan, UK  

Course Registration

Registration for this event has now closed.

Accommodation Venue: Jurys Inn, Oxford, Godstow Road, OX2 8AL.
Bookings include accommodation (unless you have booked with a discount code) and we will arrange your room for you. Parking is available at the hotel. If you require further accommodation, please liaise with the hotel via the link above.



If you have any questions, please email info@professionalmedical.co.uk
or call 0800 0 43 20 60


We look forward to meeting you in April.

Oxford University